Alzheimer's Care, Chicago Elder Law

What If My Loved One Is a Flight Risk or Wanders Away? | Chicago Estate & Elder Law Attorney-CPA, Anthony B. Ferraro

Wandering is one of the most dangerous and feared side effects of Alzheimer’s and dementia’s.  Usually, the main reason for someone wandering is they are trying to find some place that is familiar to them.  A problem with wandering is someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia may not realize they are doing dangerous acts, such as walking into traffic. The good news is that wandering can be prevented.  The website below includes some resources you may find helpful for protecting your loved one from the dangers of wandering. Even though it is completely understandable to be scared and agitated when a loved one wanders away, it is very important to refrain from confronting them and badgering them. When a loved one wanders away a frantic confrontation will only make things worse. While it is certainly easy to say that one should not show fear or anger when a loved one wanders, putting that into practice is another matter. One of the most important things to keep in mind is not to lecture your loved one about wandering, in order to prevent an outburst. Alzheimer’s not only affects the memory, but may control that part of the brain which controls our behavior. Don’t  increase the fright of your loved one, or the chance of an outburst, by lecturing them. When it comes to wandering, simply remember to try to remain calm. -Anthony B. Ferraro