Seniors Take Note! The Way The State Of Illinois Addresses The Overwhelming Financial Costs Of Long Term Care Is About To Change
Welcome to our new Blog! This will be the first of many entries. The State of Illinois has now issued Proposed Regulations regarding the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) with substantial impact on the funding of Long-Term Care for our Senior and Disabled Citizens. As the heading above indicates, on August 13, 2010 Illinois issued proposed regulations to implement the DRA transfer rules for any transfer that takes place after February 8, 2006, the effective date of the DRA. Many other changes were proposed as well. I had the privilege of providing verbal and written testimony to representatives of the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (DHFS) in Chicago on September 13, 2010 regarding the impact of the new rules on Illinois’ citizens. The State of Illinois is still in the public comment period regarding the new proposed rules. The proposed rules may change once the public comments are examined by DHFS officials. This blog will keep readers posted on the progress of the new rules as they work their way through the rulemaking system. The changes have far reaching impact on our senior and disabled population.