Alzheimer's Care, Blog, Elder Law Articles
I’m a member of the ‘sandwich generation’ and need help now that Alzheimer’s has entered the picture
“Sandwich generation” refers to individuals or families that find themselves raising not only their children but also parents or other elderly relatives, often while also holding a job. This obviously is a complicated scenario and can be very stressful for everyone involved. The oldest might become harsh or impatient with the younger members of the household, and vice versa. The younger ones might feel as if their grandparents are encroaching on “their” space. Trying to be a primary caregiver in this environment can be an especially complex minefield, and it is highly recommended to join a support group to obtain some coping strategies. In addition to this, you might want to look up a support group for children of people with Alzheimer’s. The type of “blended” family described above can work, despite any battles that might break out. One place to find some assistance is the American Health Assistance Foundation, which has a number of very helpful publications. The national Alzheimer’s Association also has many resources. Its contact center is available 24 hours per day at (800) 272-3900.